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Gill Marshall HOMEOPATHY Autism & Neurodiversity
Thyroid Health

Concerned about your Thyroid?

Have you wondered if you could have an under-active thyroid?
Or maybe you know you have but feel lousy despite medication?

Are you struggling with:

* Fatigue
* Poor memory or brain fog
* Feeling the cold more than anyone else
* Finding it impossible to lose weight despite a careful diet and exercise
* Hair loss
* Joint or muscle pains
* Mood swings or feeling down
* Poor sleep?

Would you like to feel:

* You can think clearly
* You sleep well and wake with energy for the day ahead
* Positive and enthusiastic
* You are in control of your health rather than it limiting you?

It is possible!

Can you use homeopathy as well as conventional treatment?

Yes. Homeopathy can work alongside your doctor's treatment. It is a complementary approach that gives you some choice in how you look after your health.

I will encourage you to maintain contact with your GP (and endocrinologist if you have one), both for tests and to manage any conventional medication.

Homeopaths do not focus on the disease itself but rather on the individual person. The aim is to treat you as a whole and get you feeling truly well.

What does treatment with Gill involve?

We will explore in depth how your health problems are affecting you now and decide together on priorities for treatment.

We will discuss many aspects of your health history and consider what may have led to you developing a thyroid problem.

I will prescribe remedies carefully matched to you as an individual. Homeopathic remedies are safe, non-toxic and easy to take.

Your treatment will be a process of re-establishing overall balance and good health. I aim to help you find your path to enjoying life to the full once more.

Thyroid. bluebells1

Gill's Interest in Thyroid Health

I became interested in thyroid health many years ago now. More and more people were asking me for support with symptoms they linked to their thyroid and for which conventional medicine was offering only limited help. I therefore looked into the subject further and it has remained a particular interest for me.


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