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Gill Marshall HOMEOPATHY Autism & Neurodiversity
Thyroid Health

Homeopathy for Children

Homeopathy can be beneficial for children with a wide range of health problems, physical and emotional.

An audit of my practice shows that common reasons for parents to bring their child to me include eczema and other skin conditions, hay fever, enlarged tonsils or adenoids, glue ear, recurrent infections, tummy aches, poor sleep, chronic fatigue, anxiety and support at times of change or stress.

A significant part of my practice is supporting children who are autistic / neurodivergent

About half of my consultations are with under 16s and I particularly enjoy my work with children - also my leisure time with my grandsons! :

Children & Autism. Jackinbluebells

Children & Autism / ADHD / Sensory Issues

I have developed a particular interest in supporting children & teenagers who are neurodivergent. My approach is practical and individually tailored.

We will start from what your child most needs help with now and explore their individual symptoms and personality in relation to this. In the longer-term, I would hope to help your child make the most of their potential.

Parents regularly ask me to:

  • provide support with challenging emotions, such as anxiety, anger, shutdowns or meltdowns
  • pay particular attention to sleep or food issues
  • assist with managing physical health problems (long-standing or as they arise)
  • look at enhancing overall well-being

Homeopathy is ideal if you are looking for holistic support to enhance your child’s well-being alongside conventional health care and I will encourage you to remain in contact with your mainstream healthcare professionals.


Experience with Children with Additional Needs

As a homeopath, I have been working with this group of children for over 15 years. My interest and knowledge has also grown through volunteering: with autistic children, with children with complex physical disabilities, with sensory issues and with other specific needs.

I have worked with youngsters with a range of diagnoses: autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (including what was formerly called Asperger's Syndrome), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), cerebral palsy (CP) and Down's syndrome (DS), also with children with less common diagnoses as well as with those not yet diagnosed.


My consultations are by video call (Zoom). This means you and your child can be in the comfort of your own home.

Some children will only need a few appointments at monthly intervals to get significant improvements. For others, parents may choose to book appointments as required for ongoing support over a longer period.

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